The 2021 CPE Mountain Cluster was a great event with 16 sessions, up to 16 CPE credits, and an awesome line-up of nationally renowned subject matter experts.
If you were a 2021 attendee, we hope you enjoyed the event and appreciate your participation!
We are busy planning the 2022 CPE Mountain Cluster and will update this page as details are confirmed.
Hybrid Conference
Open to all digital and in-person attendees!
2021 In-Person Safety Guidelines
In-person participants can attend with confidence, knowing health and safety of attendees is a top priority for NCACPA.
All in-person attendees at NCACPA events will be required to adhere to our safety guidelines at all times. Face masks are required during registration and networking in meeting areas, unless you are seated at your individual desk or during meals.
Please read our safety guidelines to ensure you are committed to participating in an in-person NCACPA event in 2021. Attendees who wish to attend in-person will be required to sign a COVID-19 agreement during the registration process. You will be required to adhere to “NCACPA’s In-Person Safety Guidelines” in order to participate in our in-person events.
NCACPA, as well as our vendors, continue to follow the CDC and NC DHHS for recommendations on safety protocols and guidelines. At a minimum, NCACPA’s in-person requirements will meet or exceed current CDC and NC DHHS recommendations for the health and safety of all attendees. As we monitor the status of COVID-19, we will provide updated in-person guidelines as we approach each event. Requirements outlined below are subject to change at any point leading up to an in-person event.
As an in-person attendee your safety is our top priority. We have developed the following guidelines and we require that attendees strictly adhere to all guidance in order to make our 2021 events safe, secure, and enjoyable for all.
NCACPA COVID-19 Safety Agreement
In-Person Safety Guidelines:
- For the safety of all attendees, whether vaccinated or not, face masks are required during registration and networking in meeting areas, unless you are seated at your individual desk or during meals.
- NCACPA meeting planners have developed specific seating arrangements to allow comfortable and appropriate space throughout the meeting space.
- Practice proper sanitation measures, which include using our widely provided hand sanitizers and wiping down frequently touched surfaces in your seating area.
- Assess your personal health prior to arrival, so that you can confirm body temperature below 100.4 F, no new cough, no shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, no loss of taste or smell, no chills, and no sore throat.
- Lastly, prior to arrival, confirm that you have not had close contact in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or been advised to isolate or quarantine at the time of the NCACPA in-person event.
NCACPA supports the health and well-being of its community and has collaborated with event facilities to develop safety protocols and measures designed to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections. Despite NCACPA’s efforts to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility that you could be exposed to or contract COVID-19 while participating in an NCACPA onsite event or at other event facilities. A signed agreement will be required prior to your purchase and participation in an NCACPA In-Person Event.
The Renaissance Asheville Hotel COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Read more detailed information about the Renaissance Asheville Hotel’s COVID-19 cleanliness and safety protocols so you are prepared for your stay!
Event Expectations
What to expect from us
We are disinfecting touched surfaces for your safety
We are wearing masks for your protection
We are using hand sanitizer and washing hands frequently
We can ensure staff at the event are symptom-free and use best personal hygiene practices
What we expect from you
We ask you to come symptom-free of illness and use best personal hygiene practices while in attendance
We ask you to stay a safe distance from one another to keep each other healthy
We ask attendees to wear a mask for the protection of you and others
We ask you to use hand sanitizer when provided to protect yourself and others around you
Our safety guidelines are subject to change at any time. We ask that in-person attendees follow all safety instructions provided by NCACPA staff at all times, and that you do not attend any in-person event if you are feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of illness.
2022 event details coming soon!
NCACPA is a NASBA-approved sponsor of continuing education.
For complete program information (course registration, learning objectives, instructional delivery methods, CPE, field of study, prerequisites, program knowledge, level, advance preparation, program description, and speaker information), please visit the event links above.
The North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
For information regarding refund, complaint, program cancellation or other policies, visit our Registration Policies page or call 800-469-1352.