This toolkit has been curated to aid in your understanding of the new volunteer structure and for communicating with both
current and prospective committee/networking group members.
The new structure will:

Align the volunteer activities
with the association’s strategy

Expand and enhance the market-facing
activities of the association

Expand the influence
Virtual Town Hall
On July 21, 2021, NCACPA Chair Shawana Hudson, and chair of the Commitee Restructure Task Force, Scott Schowalter (who is also a past NCACPA chair) shared the task force’s recommendations in a virtual Town Hall. Whether you are a long-time volunteer or have never served in a volunteer capacity, we invite you to watch the replay of this town hall. You’ll learn about the expanded ways to get involved, and hopefully, one (or more) of them will prompt you to become more engaged with your association and profession.
Video Highlights
D. Scott Showalter, chair of the CRTF, presented the recommendations on June 3 at the Future Forward Leader Series. These short video segments highlight the most important points from Scott’s presentation.
What’s Being Changed?
How Did We Get Here
CRTF Deliverables
What’s Being Implemented
Implementation Timetable & Activities
Benefits of Restructuring
Additional Background/Content
News to Know announcement to the membership on July 7, 2021
Interim Report article, July 2021 (detailed explanation of the CRTF’s work, written by Scott Showalter)