Tax updates you can count on
Conference Schedule
The NC State & Local Tax Conference is designed for CPAs in public practice or those in industry who practice in tax. This conference covers ways to best serve your clients in the state of North Carolina, the dynamic and changing environment of tax reform, critical topics in state and local taxation, new tax laws, and more!
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Wednesday, December 7
8:00–9:00 am
General Session
Jack Schmoll, CPA
Schmoll CPA PLLC
Nexus Issues & Awareness
This session will include discussion of the ever evolving nexus environment among others:
- Eroding PL 86-272 protections
- Economic nexus
- Physical nexus
- Remote workers and nexus
- Gross receipts tax nexus
More about Jack
Jack Schmoll, CPA
Schmoll CPA PLLC
Jack Schmoll has spent his entire 28-year career in state and local taxation. He worked nine years with the Washington State Department of Revenue and has work 19 years in public accounting. He works extensively with other accounting firms, helping them provide the state and local tax expertise their clients need. He enjoys working with North Carolina issues, but works regularly on multistate tax issues as well. Jack is a regular presenter for the NCACPA and other organizations and also provides state and local tax education directly to CPA firms and businesses.
9:10–10:10 am
Concurrent Sessions
William P. Young
North Carolina Department of Revenue
1A: NC Pass-Through Entity Tax Election
North Carolina has now joined several other states in enacting legislation meant to reduce the impact of the federal SALT deduction cap on an individual’s federal income tax return. This session will provide an overview of North Carolina’s SALT Workaround, including:
- Making the Taxed Pass-Through Entity (PTE) election
- Calculating the Taxed PTE income tax
- Making Taxed PTE tax payments
- The impact of the Taxed PTE election on PTE owners’ NC individual income tax returns
This session will also provide a brief overview of other legislative changes impacting individuals, including:
- New NC net operating loss provisions
- Deduction for military retirement pay
- Student loan forgiveness
More about William
William P. Young
North Carolina Department of Revenue
William Young is the Assistant Director of the Personal Taxes Division and has been with the NC Department of Revenue since 2011. He has served as an Administrative Officer, Agency Legal Specialist, manager of the Bankruptcy Unit, and manager of the Individual Income Tax Section of the Technical Services Group. He has a bachelor of science in financial economics, a bachelor’s degree in music, and a minor in mathematics. He earned his Juris Doctor from Washington and Lee University, where he was the Managing Editor of the Law Review.
1B: Compliance with Unclaimed Property Regulations
The North Carolina Department of State Treasurer (State) is responsible for administering the North Carolina Unclaimed Property Act in accordance with Chapter 116B of the North Carolina General Statutes. By law, unclaimed property is reported and remitted or delivered to the State for safekeeping. The Unclaimed Property Division is responsible for recovering, safekeeping, and returning such property to its rightful owner.
This presentation will provide information, resources, and tools to assist with compliance in North Carolina’s unclaimed property laws.
Laquanda Brown
Department of the State Treasurer
More about Laquanda
C Brown
Department of the State Treasurer
Laquanda is a Compliance Auditor with the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property Division. Her role is to assist holders in being compliant with NC’s Unclaimed Property laws and requirements for reporting and returning properties to the rightful owners. Laquanda joined the Unclaimed Property Division in June 2022.
Brian Tennie
Department of the State Treasurer
More about Brian
Brian Tennie
Department of the State Treasurer
Brian is a Compliance Auditor with the North Carolina Department of the State Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property Division His role is to assist holders in being compliant with NC’s Unclaimed Property laws and requirements for reporting and returning properties to the rightful owners. Brian joined the Unclaimed Property Division in May 2021.
10:20–11:20 am
Concurrent Sessions
Michael Hannah, Esq., CPA
Michael A. Hannah
2A: NC Sales Tax (Basic)
State sales & use taxes present some of the most challenging issues confronted by tax practitioners and their clients. Businesses can oftentimes engage in transactions that unknowingly create a liability and result in substantial assessments of tax, penalties and interest. This session provides a basic understanding of the sales & use tax laws that apply to the daily transactions your clients engage in and will allow you to better advise clients on understanding and properly applying sales & use tax statutes to the various transactions they encounter while conducting business in North Carolina and other states.
More about Michael
Michael Hannah, Esq., CPA
Michael A. Hannah
Michael has extensive and varied experience with state tax issues having worked in public accounting, private industry, the practice of law, and state government. While serving as Assistant Secretary of Revenue for Legal Services at NCDOR for 8 years, he presided over administrative tax hearings for taxpayer protests involving all North Carolina taxes except property tax. He recently served as tax counsel to the North Carolina Senate Finance Committee for 9 years, assisting with drafting tax legislation, developing state tax policy and working with industry lobbyists, legislative leadership and NCDOR to resolve state tax issues. He currently serves as outside counsel to the NCDOR, has published numerous articles and spoken nationally on various multistate tax issues and has taught many seminars on state and local taxation for such organizations as the AICPA, IPT, TEI, NCACPA, COST and the NC Bar Association.
James Hamilton Turner, Jr., CPA
Turner Business Appraisers Inc.
2B: Property Tax
In this session we will cover Property Taxation in North Carolina from A to Z. Topics to be explored include how to reduce your client’s property tax bill, the appeals process, and business personal property audits.
More about James
James Hamilton Turner, Jr., CPA
Turner Business Appraisers Inc.
Jim is the founder and President of Turner Business Appraisers a valuation firm that specializes in: Business Valuation, Equipment Appraisals and Ad Valorem Tax Valuation. He has made frequent regional and international presentations on a variety of valuation topics including: 1. The ABC’s of Business Valuation 2. SBA Business Valuations 3. Tips for Valuing & Selling businesses amidst COVID-19 He has also testified as a valuation expert in District Court, Superior Court, and at the North Carolina Property Tax Commission. Jim is a member of the North Carolina Association of CPA’s, National Association of Valuators & Analysts, American Society of Appraisers, and the NEBB Institute Jim and his wife Sandra have two energetic boys–Isaac and Noah. They enjoy hiking, giving away bags of hope, and playing Uno at home in Metro Charlotte, N.C.
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Michael Hannah, Esq., CPA
Michael A. Hannah
3A: NC Individual Tax (Basic)
North Carolina has enacted more significant changes to its personal income tax statutes in the last decade than in the prior 30 years. The number of yearly tax changes, administrative interpretations and modifications to the State tax forms make advising your clients more difficult than ever. This session will provide you with a basic understanding of the most current tax statutes and detailed interpretations of those statutes by the North Carolina Department of Revenue to better assist you with advising your clients on how to timely and properly filing all required forms.
More about Michael
Michael Hannah, Esq., CPA
Michael A. Hannah
Michael has extensive and varied experience with state tax issues having worked in public accounting, private industry, the practice of law, and state government. While serving as Assistant Secretary of Revenue for Legal Services at NCDOR for 8 years, he presided over administrative tax hearings for taxpayer protests involving all North Carolina taxes except property tax. He recently served as tax counsel to the North Carolina Senate Finance Committee for 9 years, assisting with drafting tax legislation, developing state tax policy and working with industry lobbyists, legislative leadership and NCDOR to resolve state tax issues. He currently serves as outside counsel to the NCDOR, has published numerous articles and spoken nationally on various multistate tax issues and has taught many seminars on state and local taxation for such organizations as the AICPA, IPT, TEI, NCACPA, COST and the NC Bar Association.
Jack Schmoll, CPA
Schmoll CPA PLLC
3B: NC Sales Tax (Advanced)
This session will include discussion of the following topics, among others:
- Repair, maintenance, and installation
- RMI and construction
- RMI and property management
- Service contracts
- Bundled transactions
More about Jack
Jack Schmoll, CPA
Schmoll CPA PLLC
Jack Schmoll has spent his entire 28-year career in state and local taxation. He worked nine years with the Washington State Department of Revenue and has work 19 years in public accounting. He works extensively with other accounting firms, helping them provide the state and local tax expertise their clients need. He enjoys working with North Carolina issues, but works regularly on multistate tax issues as well. Jack is a regular presenter for the NCACPA and other organizations and also provides state and local tax education directly to CPA firms and businesses.
1:30–2:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Stuart Bryan Lockerbie, CPA
Lockerbie Tax, LLC
4A: NC Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Overview
Join us for a discussion of some of the general issues related to tax reporting and filing of North Carolina corporate income and franchise tax returns. We will start with some of the basic issues concerning income computation and allocation and apportionment questions as well as addressing some of the NC-specific modifications.
- Income franchise tax basics
- Key points or traps
- NC-specific modifications
More about Stuart
Stuart Bryan Lockerbie, CPA
Lockerbie Tax, LLC
Over his career, Stu’s client base has primarily consisted of Fortune 500 companies in various industries including manufacturing, financial services, transportation and retail. Stu also has significant experience working with closely held companies and flow-through entities. In total, Stu has over 33 years of experience in public accounting, nearly all of which have been focused in the state and local tax area. He has assisted his clients with a variety of issues including controversy, mergers and acquisitions and planning in all areas of multistate taxation, but his main focus has been on income/franchise and sales/use tax consulting. Stu’s experience includes working directly with both the North Carolina Department of Revenue and South Carolina Department of Revenue to assist PwC’s clients with resolving issues. Stu has a Bachelor of Science from Purdue University and is a CPA in both Indiana and North Carolina. Stu has been a guest speaker for the University of North Carolina – Charlotte, Tax Executive Institute, North & South Carolina CPA Society, Bank Tax Management Forum, Indiana Banker’s Association, Financial Institution’s Tax Association – Midwest, Council on State Taxation, SEATA, and the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce
4B: State Tax Research
The overriding purpose of tax research is to find guidance on the tax problems of one’s clients. Tax research is the process of identifying the law that governs an activity and finding materials that explain or analyze that law. Ineffective research wastes time, and inaccurate research leads to inaccurate guidance. The capacity to solve tax problems rapidly and accurately can best be developed by constructing a systematic approach to tax research. This session will cover some tips and tricks regarding state tax research.
Learning objectives: After attending this session, the participate will be able to determine ways to streamline their own research and identify help tax research tools and resources.
Andrew Grace
More about Andrew
Andrew Grace
Andrew Grace is a senior manager in KPMG’s Washington National Tax practice, specializing in state and local tax. Andrew originally joined KPMG in 2012 and primarily supports KPMG engagement teams across tax and assists clients with a variety of state corporate income tax issues. Prior to rejoining KPMG in March 2022, Andrew worked as state tax counsel at Inspire Brands.
Jeana Parker, JD, MBA
More about Jeana
Jeana Parker, JD, MBA
Jeana is a Managing Director in KPMG’s State and Local Tax practice based in Raleigh, North Carolina. She concentrates her time on state income and franchise tax consulting engagements, including teaming with KPMG’s Mergers & Acquisitions Tax practice performing tax due diligence, structuring, and modeling on both buy side and sell-side transactions for corporate strategic and private equity clients across the United States. Additionally, Jeana has extensive experience assisting clients in designing and implementing state tax planning, including business restructuring and legal entity rationalization, as well as, assisting clients with various state tax controversy issues. Jeana also serves as KPMG’s State Tax Resource Network expert for South Carolina income and franchise tax matters.
2:40–3:35 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Kathleen Marie Holston, CPA
Websterrogers, LLP
5A: Income Tax Sourcing (NC & Multi)
Businesses are filing income tax returns in an ever-increasing number of states. How they source revenue for state apportionment purposes can greatly impact their total tax liability. This session will discuss sourcing of revenue for the sales factor element of state apportionment. We will cover both North Carolina and multistate concepts and developments, including opportunities created by the recent change in North Carolina’s sourcing rules.
More about Kathleen
Kathleen Marie Holston, CPA
Websterrogers, LLP
Kathleen M. Holston, CPA, CMI is the state tax practice leader for Webster Rogers, LLP, working from the firm’s Myrtle Beach, South Carolina office. Kathleen has over 30 years’ experience in State & Local Tax, including income, franchise, sales, use and property tax for businesses of all sizes and types. Kathleen also heads the advanced sales tax school at the Institute for Professionals in Taxation (IPT). She is a member of the NCACPA and SCACPA, and recipient of IPT’s 2021 Distinguished Service Award.
Jeffrey Thomas Hendrickson
Martin Marietta Materials Inc.
5B: Sales Tax Audit Best Practices
In this session, the speaker will explain the cycle of the sales and use tax audit process, from initial notification to final payment or settlement. He will discuss strategies to ensure that the audit gets managed in a manner that leads to the best outcome for the taxpayer. He will also discuss recommendations for setting timelines and establishing an effective working relationship between the taxpayer and auditor. Finally, he will discuss and share options and remedies available to the taxpayer to deal with challenging matters relating to lack of records, insufficient support, and items in dispute.
More about Jeffrey
Jeffrey Thomas Hendrickson
Martin Marietta Materials Inc.
More information coming soon!
3:45–4:45 pm
General Session
State Tax Advocacy: Panel
This session features leaders of the North Carolina House and Senate Finance Committees and NCACPA’s Director of Advocacy as they highlight tax law changes enacted by the General Assembly, discuss the impact of the 2022 general election results, and share their predictions about tax and finance topics that may be addressed in the upcoming legislative session.
Robert Joseph Broome, CAE
NCACPA Director of Advocacy
More about Robert
Robert Joseph Broome, CAE
NCACPA Director of Advocacy
Robert works with our members to develop, implement, and communicate NCACPA’s advocacy agenda to legislators and regulators. He serves as staff liaison to the Advocacy Advisory Council and Taxation Committee. Robert has extensive experience as a lobbyist, PAC fundraiser, and grassroots manager for trade associations. A native of Tennessee, he worked in Nashville and Atlanta before moving to Raleigh in 2013. He earned his Certified Association Executive credential in 2020.
Senator Paul Newton
Chair, Senate Finance Committee
More about SEN: Newton
Paul Newton
Senator Paul Newton was born in Smithfield, North Carolina, and grew up in Eden, North Carolina. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and his law degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in ’82 and ‘85. He graduated from Harvard Advanced Management program in 2008.
Following law school, Paul joined the Hinkle Law Firm in New Mexico for five years, and returned to North Carolina to serve as a lawyer for Duke Power Company, becoming General Counsel of Duke’s national utility operations. He then moved into the business realm to serve as Senior Vice-President of Strategy, Rates, Wholesale Customers, Commodities and Analytics, and finally served as Duke Energy’s North Carolina State President, before retiring in September of 2015, after 25 years with the company.
Paul serves as the State Senator for District 36, which is defined by Cabarrus and portions of Union Counties. This is his second term in office.
Currently, Senator Newton is a co-chair of the Senate Finance and Senate Redistricting and Elections committees and is a member of 5 other standing committees: Commerce and Insurance, Judiciary, Education/Higher Education, Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources, and Appropriations on Agriculture, Natural and Economic Resources committees.
Representative Jeff Zenger
Vice Chair, House Finance Committee
More about Jeff
Representative Jeff Zenger
Vice Chair, House Finance Committee
Jeff Zenger represents House District 74, which covers part of Forsyth County. He is a General Contractor and small business owner who develops commercial and residential properties across the state.
Jeff is one of the vice chairs of the House Finance Committee. He serves on numerous other House committees, including Banking, Judiciary, Regulatory Reform, State Personnel, Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform, and the House Select Committee on an Education System for North Carolina’s Future.
Jeff previously served as a missionary in the metro Baltimore area. He and his wife have raised four children.
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