Did you know $0.92 of every $1 donated goes directly to scholarships for NC students?
Now, contributing to the NC CPA Foundation is even easier. Simply complete the one-step donation form to submit your contribution today.
The NC CPA Foundation has afforded students in North Carolina opportunities to pursue accounting careers since its inception in 1980. Last year alone, the Foundation granted 71 students $138,000 in scholarships!
The opportunities afforded by these scholarships are life changing, giving students both the financial and emotional support to take them to the next step in their educational journeys. Through our donations, we can better prepare the future of the profession and its leaders.
Haven’t participated in 100 Days of Service? Donating to the Foundation is a great way to give back to your community and the profession!
The NC CPA Foundation is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN# 56-1273347.