Have you renewed your membership with NCACPA yet? Now’s the perfect time! As promised, we’re highlighting different member benefits through a series of blog posts. Being engaged in your association and fully taking advantage of the benefits available to you only increases the value of membership. This week’s benefit worth noting is advocacy.
As your association, we are your advocate in all areas, keeping the concerns of CPAs and the trusted business advisor in the minds of the public, the legislature, and the State Board. NCACPA strives to represent the profession’s interest in vital areas of public policy formation, standard-setting, and rule-making that would have an impact on our members, the profession as a whole, and the state’s business climate. As North Carolina is on the cusp of tax reform, now is the time for CPAs to shine. North Carolinians will need education on the new tax code, and CPAs are the most trusted expert. The association is working to provide our members the tools necessary to accomplish the job. Click here for more information on our advocacy efforts.
Check out the above video from NCACPA member Betsy Mayes on what membership means to her, and stay tuned for more benefits in the weeks to come.