CPAs from across North Carolina took to their communities on Friday, September 18, 2015, for the fourth annual CPA Day...
Content provided by Smith Anderson, NCACPA’s Legal Counsel North Carolina’s General Assembly is continuing the overhaul of the State’s tax...
On Monday, September 21st, I had the opportunity to represent NCACPA at the FASB Round Table on the NFP Financial...
Excerpt from the August 2015 issue of Interim Report Walter Conaway Davenport: Embracing the Future and Honoring the Past In...
NCACPA Member Melisa Galasso, CPA, is the current chair of the A&A Committee. FASB will be hosting public roundtable meetings...
As previously shared with the membership, NCACPA, the AICPA, and several other organizations filed amicus curiae briefs on the CommScope...
On July 1, the North Carolina State Board of CPA Examiners announced a rule change allowing CPAs to claim credit...
It’s official! North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed the proclamation document officially proclaiming September 18, 2015 as CPA Day of...
NCACPA, in conjunction with the AICPA, NC Chamber of Commerce, NASBA, and three large accounting firms submitted or resubmitted amicus curiae...
As an update, the Association learned that the NC Supreme Court has granted the request for discretionary review in the...